Gedichte und Songtexte

  • @joker erstmal hab Dank für dein Feedback!
    yo hab ich, momentan so an die 30 oder 40 lyrics liegen und bin momentan auf der Suche nach Leuten aus meiner Umgebung die Bock haben das mit mir umzusetzen, da mein Kumpel heute "ausgestiegen" ist! Der neueste "Song" (betrachte meine Lyrics als lyrics to non existing music in anlehnung an alphaville *zwinker*) ist allerdings zu krass geworden um ihn hier zu veröffentlichen (ist ein Text der Kinderschänder anklagt!) und das thema gehört hier nicht her! Aber ansonsten musst du nur sagen was dich interessiert und ich schreib was rein!

    viele liebe Grüsse

  • Zitat

    Original von stephan_81:
    (betrachte meine Lyrics als lyrics to non existing music in anlehnung an alphaville *zwinker*)

    Hehe, genauso hab ich mein Zeug auch genannte ;)


    (ist ein Text der Kinderschänder anklagt!) und das thema gehört hier nicht her!

    Warum sollte das Thema hier nicht hergehören? Das ist genau das Problem an diesem Forum. Das ist kein Ort an dem man nur über alphaville und Verwandtes schreiben muss, sonder ein Forum, das die Leute verbinden soll, die Alphaville Fans sind. Das schließt sämtliche Themen ein, die die Mitglieder hier persönlich, beruflich etc. beschäftigt. Das klappt in anderen Foren besser. Sonst wäre nicht so lebendig.

  • Zitat

    Original von stephan_81:
    @Joker keine Panik alles in Arbeit :)
    Was ich aber merkwürdig finde ist das ich auf diese Art von Lyrics Feedback bekomme und auf die Lyrics weiter oben (Himmelsstürmer) nicht...

    Ich finde Deinen "Himmelsstürmer" sehr schön, sehr gefühlvoll und sehr traurig. Gefällt mir auf jeden Fall besser, als Dein zweites Gedicht.

    Charme ist die Art, wie ein Mensch ja sagt, ohne dass ihm eine bestimmte Frage gestellt worden war. (Camus)

  • Ich schreibe ein song, aber es ist an Englisch sprache - ich sende es an Moonbase :)
    In the corridor are flying ruins
    I am unconsciousness
    I´am feeling only hot
    Fire - this is a short spot

    Synthetizator, this evil horor
    is like a perfection terror
    Everybady are like obedient animal
    Music is dictator-and cannibal

    You are death, but you do´nt know it!
    Some people are confused
    The music is a parazit
    I´am singing - Evil!
    The music is a Devil

    You are death, but you don´t know it!
    Music say - \"You must fight!\"
    I say - \"No! Be tight!\"
    Becouse I want peace...
    I don´t want evil this!

    Germany are a trap
    Even I so her love,
    And I vant even so fight
    for his save!

    You are death...!
    Na, das ist song als von Marian, nein? :-))

  • Fur Leute...

    Where is a God?
    Do You know?
    Do You know that?
    I know...
    God is in me,
    God is in You,
    You should to belive me,
    I\'m telling the truth...


    You are my voice,
    I hear it everywhere,
    I hear it here,
    It must be near, it must be somewhere,
    When I feel it, I can fly,
    Without You, I will die...


    I see You,
    You see me,
    I must tell You, what I see,
    I see eyes,
    I see face,
    It\'s Your the most beautiful place,
    I feel Your breath,
    You feel me,
    Tell me baby, what You see...
    I need Your touch,
    I need Your hand,
    You are for me, the only one, diffrent land,
    Am I crazy?
    No, I\'m not...
    I know it...
    You are the angel, who is sent me from the God...


    I remember, when You were my love,
    I remember first meet,
    I remember that all,
    I remember Your kiss, when You touched me last,
    I remember that, and I\'m dreaming about return to past,
    You were my soul,
    You were my heart,
    You were my angel, You were my guard,
    Although it was a lot of time ago,
    I remember You, and I still love You so,
    I remember Your touch,
    I remember Your hands,
    I want to stay with You, to the end of ends...


    I\'m missing You,
    I\'m crying for You,
    I can\'t stop,
    It\'s my last lap,
    It\'s my pain,
    It\'s my black rain,
    You are so far away,
    It\'s my findly day,
    Please, finde me, If You can,
    I don\'t want to live in dark hole again,
    I\'m not hearing now Your voice,
    Living without You, it\'s a killing choice,
    I understand, You\'re not loving me,
    But it\'s very hard, without You... to be,
    I\'m breaking self as ice,
    What is without You a paradise,
    ...Forgive me this,
    Don\'t be angry, please...


    I\'m searching the road to Your heart,
    I\'m so far away, and it\'s very hard,
    The black ghost is trying to stop me,
    It\'s not easy today to love and be,
    He hate me,
    He want to break me,
    He has a plan,
    When the my love finished,
    He will say:... It\'s done,
    But I still belive,
    You love me, and You can me forgive,
    Maybe it\'s the immposible dream,
    But I love You and I want to dream...


    Your kiss is a of love gift,
    I love You, and I feel as a man, who is standing in to heaven lift,
    When I\'m standing in this lift with You,
    I\'m starting see, how is important the truth,
    You are my truth, You are the angel,
    You\'re my soul chalenger,
    I\'m not like to much talking,
    But I must to say You,
    How I love with You together walking...


    You are my first chance,
    You are my dance,
    You are a part,
    Part of my heart,
    You smeel as a wonderful flower,
    You are my the strongest power,
    If I be next to Your ear,
    I will say You, how You are for me dear...


    You are my secret stone,
    You are the sunshine,
    Your are my star, my own,
    I\'m Your\'s,
    You are mine,
    It\'s so soft line,
    We\'re dancing as first flakes of snow,
    Dancing as first flower, which want to grow,
    We\'re as summer wind,
    We\'re as nice cloud,
    You are my only one proude,
    I hope, I\'m Your\'s too,
    Your eyes are so magical blue...


    You can fly,
    I\'ll for You die,
    It\'s not a lie,
    So I\'m saying You goodbye!...


    It\'s not my choice,
    I can\'t forget Your dreamer\'s voice,
    I can\'t stop loving,
    And thinking about You,
    I don\'t know, What I should to do,
    Everything is remembering You me,
    The beard, flower, and tree,
    You are the song,
    You can\'t be wrong,
    I\'ll die for You,
    I hope so it\'s a truth...


    belive in You...,
    belive in Your true side,
    belive in Your right,
    You know, I\'m a lost man,
    I\'m dreaming about see You again,
    You don\'t need me,
    I know about it,
    However, please, give me Your heart, a little bit,
    If You can\'t,
    I\'ll try to understand,
    It\'s a sad time,
    When we live only in hope,
    Please, give me a chance, don\'t drop.........


    You are...
    A morning star...
    You are the best,
    You are my darling,
    You are my rest,
    I can\'t to damp my feel any more,
    You are the best girl,
    And I don\'t to ident to another look for...


    I must to ask somebody,
    Why I am, and why I have the body,
    Who Am I,
    When I should to die,
    What is my destination,
    I can only ask my imagination,
    Why I can\'t to hear the God,
    Who need my blod,
    Why the live is so much long,
    I am not enough strong,
    I need someone, who tell me about the truth,
    I don\'t know, why devil exist, and why the sky is blue,
    I couldn\'t to choose, If I want to born or not,
    I want to know, where is a God,
    Please, God, listen to me,
    I am stupid and I can\'t see,
    My faith is weak,
    I need from You the huge kick,
    Please, tell me now,
    Please, tell me,
    Why I must to be,
    I can\'t to live any longer,
    I will not be stronger,
    I\'m weak and I\'m same as cake,
    Devil want to me break,
    It\'s a fatal time for me,
    Why I must to be,
    Tell me God,
    Don\'t be hide,
    Please, I need the guide,
    I need the really father,
    I want to be Your brother,
    I want to be Your sheep,
    Please, take me from this water deep...
    forgive me...


    I can\'t stop the rain,
    The rain of pain,
    I cry everyday,
    I don\'t see anybody, who is gay, (\"gay\" means a same as \"happy\"... no another orientation...)
    My heart is a full of cold blod,
    I miss You... God,
    Please, save me...,
    I\'m waiting for Your salvation,
    I need a meditation,
    My face is full of tears,
    Please, teel me something,
    To my ears,
    Let me to see a truth,
    You know, I can\'t on this world to do...
    To be a saint, and to be a man of truth,
    You know, my thinks are in black space,
    You know, I can\'t find a free place,
    I know, the devil is everywhere,
    But I can\'t find You,
    Please, tell me... where?........


    This is a story about one child and his friends,
    Who is playing in hide-ant-seek with these friends,
    The play was long and very nice,
    But it had self price,
    When it was finished, and his friends wanted go to home,
    He stayed alone,
    His hiding place was so good,
    But in fact this event not for him good,
    He was crying and was sad,
    Because nobody saw his had,
    The friends heard his sad voice,
    They could go to home or not,
    And find him in his flat,
    They couldn\'t to do this by a lot of time,
    But in the end, they found and it was for he fine,
    He was happy for this,
    Because, he saw, he has really friends and he feld in soul, the peace,
    He didn\'t want to be alone,
    He didn\'t want to his friends go to home,
    In fact, he must understood,
    It\'s not important to be cunning and clever,
    Important is to be with others...together...


    You and me,
    It\'s very hard to together be,
    Please, don\'t be sad,
    I\'ll give You the rose, which color will be red,
    I\'ll take You far away,
    And we will together in this place stay,
    I\'ll give You my fingers,
    And You\'ll take me my hand,
    I want to heaven You to send...


    When I see Your smile,
    I feel, I want to fly,
    When are You next to me,
    I understand, I see,
    I close my eyes,
    I see the paradise,
    I feel God, I feel You,
    Now, I know, What\'s the truth,
    You\'re my voice,
    You\'re my place,
    Now, I know Your really face,
    What\'s the love?
    I don\'t know...
    But is someone, who can know...
    I belive in Him, and I belive in You,
    You know, that\'s all a really truth,
    Once again,
    I must tell You,
    What is my love and what I feel to You...


    When we are together,
    I feel, I want to live forever,
    When You rest in my arms,
    I feel, I want to dance,
    When You give me Your hand,
    I know, And I understand,
    I love You, You love me,
    And it\'s all, which is important for me!


    My live was strange,
    You was my beautiful chalenge,
    You showed me the truth,
    You learned me how beautiful is the love,
    Because of You, I knowed the truth,

    Love is wodnerful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wodnerful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wodnerful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wodnerful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Sometimes I want to kiss You again,
    But it\'s not possible,
    I ask my self, It possible to love again,
    I ask: When?
    But in fact, I not that want,
    I was loving You,
    And You are still me the only one truth,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is a powerfull,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is a powerfull,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is a powerfull,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is a powerfull,
    You was my part,
    I gave You my heart,

    Your smile was only one in the world,
    It was my dream, It was better than gold,
    I wanted to take Your tear,
    I wanted to take from You, Your fear,
    I\'m crying now,
    This is a crying in the rain,
    These are a tears of pain,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my heart,
    Of My soul part,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my heart,
    Of My soul part,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my heart,
    Of My soul part,

    Love is wonderful,
    Love is of feels full,
    You was my heart,
    Of My soul part,


    ...Take me away,
    Please, do it for me,
    Do it today,
    I\'m weating for this...

    ...Take me away,
    Please, do it for me,
    Do it today,
    I\'m weating for this...

    ...Take me away,
    Please, do it for me,
    Do it today,
    I\'m weating for this...

    ...Take me away,
    Please, do it for me,
    Do it today,
    I\'m weating for this...


    SCORPIONS \"Wind Of Change\" is my strength,
    ROXETTE \"Fading Like A Flower\" is my power,
    \"Jerusalem\" ALPHAVILLE,
    This is my of truth peal,
    By these songs,
    I don\'t feel the fear,
    \"Total Eclipse Of The Heart\",
    It\'s a good song for a start,
    \"Heaven Can Wait\", it\'s a song made width plate,
    EUROPE \"Carrie\",
    You must to listen it, necessary,
    SANDRA \"One more Night\",
    And everything will be all right...


    You are the spring,
    You give me the wing,
    The wing of love,
    The heaven above,
    You and I,
    I will not to say You, bye,
    I want to live with You forever,
    Forever Young and together,
    I want to say Your magical name,
    This is a love,
    Not a stupid game...


    The fire of love,
    I\'m feeling the flames in my heart, now,
    I\'m feeling Your thinks,
    You\'re adding me wings,
    You\'re the lift,
    Lift to heaven of suprisse,
    You are so soft, so price,
    You\'re my wonder,
    I love You,
    Come with me,
    To the river of love,
    To together be....


    I musted to give You these texts... I hope there are something in self...

  • And something from me in german...

    ich liebe Dich,
    liebst Du mich?...
    Du bist mein Traum,
    ohne Dich,...
    ich bin so einsam, wie ein trockener Baum...

    (Katrine corrected some tension... thanks again...)

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