Beiträge von obsession

    Falls euch die Wartezeit zu lang ist, hier ein Track im 1984er Alphaville-Style mit modernem Twist:
    Der Songtext handelt von Frank Mertens' Ausstieg direkt nach dem ersten Album.


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    VERSE 1
    see him standing in the rain
    while the city calls his name
    million voices fade away
    torn up photos of decay

    now we're dancing in the dark
    trying hard to light a spark
    lonely boys reach out for more
    silence banging on your door

    raise your hands to wave goodbye
    faded rainbows in the sky
    but it's much too late to cry

    Turning on the night
    when we're hit by neon light
    out of mind and out of sight
    cause I know
    we're lost in Alphaville tonight

    VERSE 2
    cold emotions rising high
    elevating to the sky
    nelson smiling on the run
    memories of sector one

    now we're dancing in the dark
    trying hard to light a spark
    lonely boys reach out for more
    silence banging on your door

    raise your hands to wave goodbye
    faded rainbows in the sky
    but it's much too late to cry
